safe & Secure

Data security at the forefront

We understand the importance of your personal health data. You trust us with your information, and we take that responsibility seriously.

Health data, secured

Your trust, our priority.

Unwavering commitment to privacy

We pledge not to never sell your personal data to third parties, sacrificing potential revenue to ensure your personal information remains just that.

Compliance and care

We not only adhere but exceed the highest standards of data protection, including HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA compliance.

Exceeding industry standards

'Good enough' is not in our vocabulary. We strive to exceed industry standards in every aspect, from internal security measures to network architecture.

Your health, your data, your control

We believe that security is not just about protecting data—it's about protecting people. You have the freedom to export or delete all your data at any time.

A culture of security

Genuine privacy cannot exist without powerful security, which is why we've woven it into the fabric of our operations.

Multi-region cloud provider locations

Regular vulnerability scans of our software

Security by design for every software update

Regular disaster recovery drills

Discover the strength of science-backed health insights.

Available on Web, iOS, and Android