accurate nutrition info

Track your diet with data you can count on

Find out why the industry recognizes Cronometer as the most accurate nutrition tracker.

A trustworthy source

Thanks to accurate data, Cronometer is trusted by health professionals worldwide.

Nutrition data you can trust

Our nutrition information is sourced from lab-analyzed data, not crowd-sourced guesses.

Branded foods, verified

Every item submitted to our database undergoes a verification process, ensuring that the branded food entries you select are accurate and up to date.

Our data sources

We pull nutrition data from over 10 different trusted sources from around the globe which include:

Nutrition Coordinating Center Food & Nutrient Database (NCCDB)

United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (USDA SR28)

The Canadian Nutrient File (CNF 2015)

Irish Food Composition Database (IFCDB)

The Dutch Food Composition Database (NEVO)

McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods Integrated Database (CoFID)

Australian Food Composition Database (NUTTAB)

Trustwell (ESHA)


Food Data Central Global Branded Food Products Database (FDC UPC)

Clarity and simplicity

By consistently removing duplicates and outdated entries, we make choosing the right foods easy. 

Your partner in precision

We're committed to providing the most reliable data available. Go ahead and embark on a journey of informed health and wellness, supported by the most accurate nutrition tracker on the market.

Discover the strength of science-backed health insights.

Available on Web, iOS, and Android